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17 Mar 2016

Hesarukalu happala / Moong Papad

Servings: 25-30 pieces


Whole Moong Flour / Green gram flour
1 cup
Wash and dry green gram in sun and grind it to a smooth powder. Alternatively, you can get it milled.
Rice flour
2 cups

1.5-2 cups

Green chillies
2-3 big
Pulsed in mixer
1 tsp + For frying

To taste


Mix moong and rice flour and set aside. Heat water with some salt, a pinch of flour and a tsp of oil to its boiling point. Lower the flame and add the flour slowly while mixing well to avoid lumps. Add only as much of flour as the water incorporates. Mix well and set aside for 5 minutes to cool.


Knead the flour into a smooth dough. Make small portions of the dough and roll into small puri’s. Dry the puri’s in sun on a clean piece of cloth. Cover with a thin cloth while drying to avoid dust accumulation. It takes around 7-10 days to dry completely.

Deep fry in oil or roast in oven for 40-50 secs and serve.