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30 Nov 2013

Beetroot Sambar

Servings: 2 Ingredients:  Content  Quantity  Comment Beetroot 2 medium Tomato 1 medium Toor dal 3-4 tbsp Water / vegetable stock As required Tamarind paste 1 tsp ...

Vegetable Stock

Servings: 1  Ingredients:  Content  Quantity  Comment Vegetable peels 2-3 cups Onions, beans, potato, carrot, radish, cabbage, cauliflower, spring onion Cinnamon A small piece Cloves 2-3 ...

28 Nov 2013

Bisibele bath

Servings: 2 Ingredients:  Content  Quantity  Comment Vegetables 1 big cup Beans, carrot, sweet corn, green peas, cauliflower, cooked with little extra water Spring onion 1-2 tsp Optional Tomato 1 medium ...

Palak Gojju / Palak Curry

Servings: 4 Ingredients:  Content  Quantity  Comment Palak leaves 1 bunch Green chilies 4-5 large Cumin seeds 2 tsp Tamarind A lemon size Oil 3 tsp Salt To...

Badanekai Yennegai / Brinjal Curry

Servings: 2 - 3 Ingredients:  Content  Quantity  Comment Brinjals 4 small size Round variety, slit into four halves keeping the stem intact Turmeric A pinch Salt To taste Coconut 1 cup ...