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4 Feb 2014

Triangular layered Chapati

Servings: 2 (Makes 5)


Wheat flour
1 cup + 1 cup
For kneading + For dusting
For kneading

For cooking

To taste


Take wheat flour, a tbsp of oil, salt and mix well. Add water slowly in portions and knead it to a soft dough. Cover and set it aside for 10 mins. Make equal sized balls bigger than the size of roti balls. Roll small roti's and apply 1 to 2 drops of oil and smear it on the roti. Fold it into half and again into half to form a triangle. Dust it with some dough and roll it using a rolling pin. 




Heat a tawa and cook the chapati till it swells a bit. Flip and apply oil on the cooked side. Flip again and apply oil on the other side. Cook well on both the sides. Be careful not to burn the chapati. Repeat the same with the rest of the dough.


Serve hot with curry of your choice.


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