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6 Feb 2014

Ragi balls / Ragi mudde

Servings: 1


Ragi flour / finger millet
½ cup
More if required
1 cup

1 tsp + 2 tbsp
For cooking + For kneading


Pour water, a tsp of oil and a pinch of ragi flour into a pan and bring it to a boil. Meanwhile grease a plate with 1 tbsp of oil and keep it aside. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the flame completely and add the flour slowly while mixing to avoid any lumps. Add flour till all the water is sucked up. Cook covered on low flame for 5 minutes. Switch off the heat and remove the flour to the greased plate and set it aside for 2-3 minutes to cool. Grease your hand with a tbsp of oil and knead the flour well and shape it like a ball.



Serve hot with sambar.


Sambar should be a bit thick to serve with ragi balls, else it becomes difficult to consume.


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