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23 Mar 2015

Kayi Holige / Coconut Puran poli / Kayi obbattu

Servings: 10-12 pieces


1 cup

½ cup + ½ cup
For dough + For greasing
To knead

1 bowl

Absorbent paper / Newspaper
1 sheet

Holige paper / Plantain leaf
1 big


Take the maida in a bowl and knead it to a smooth dough while adding water in little quantities. Now add ½ cup of oil and knead well. The dough should be oily. (else it will dry up). Divide the dough and the coconut hoorna into equal size balls and set aside.

Grease your palm with oil and spread the maida ball on your palm in circular motion. Place the coconut hoorna in the middle of the dough and close it from all sides.

Grease the holige paper / plantain leaf with some oil. Place the prepared dough and coconut hoorna ball, grease the rolling pin with some oil and roll it like paratha. You can alternatively use your hand and spread the ball with your hand to a paratha.

Heat a tawa on medium flame. Invert the paper on tawa and remove the holige carefully. Cook the holige on the tawa on both sides. Be careful not to burn or break the holige. Repeat the same with remaining dough and puran. Allow it cool on an absorbent paper / news paper. Store in a cool and dry place.

Serve hot/cold with ghee.

If the maida is left over after making the holige, roll them into normal roti’s and cook well on both sides. You can serve it with some spicy side dish.


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