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10 Dec 2013

Dal Rasam / Saaru / Bele Saaru

Servings: 3


Tuvar dal / Togari bele
2-3 tbsp

1 medium / 2 medium
Tamarind paste
1 tbsp
Rasam powder
2 tbsp
Home made / MTR
1 tsp

To taste

As required

A pinch

1 tbsp

Mustard seeds
1 tsp

Curry leaves
1 sprig

Method 1:

Pressure cook dal and tomato for 2-3 whistles.

Once cooked, strain the dal and tomato and blend it with salt, jaggery, tamarind paste and rasam powder in a blender to a smooth paste.

Mix this paste with enough water so that it is thin, add curry leaves and bring to a boil.

Turn off the stove. Heat oil in a small pan and add mustard seeds. Once they start popping add hing and turn off the stove. Add this to the rasam. 

Serve hot with rice. You can also drink it if you wish.

Method 2:

Wash and soak tur dal for 5-10mins in a cup of water with the cooker lid closed. Pressure cook for   2-3 whistles on low flame. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. Puree 2 tomatoes and set aside. Once the cooker cools down, mash the dal and mix with 2 cups of water. Add rasam powder, tomato puree, salt, jaggery, curry leaves. 




Mix well and bring it to a boil. Lower the flame and simmer for 2-3minutes more. Temper with mustard/ jeera and hing.



1. If you do not have already made tamarind paste, soak a lemon size tamarind in warm water for 5-10 mins and strain.

2. If you are using market available tamarind paste, add a bit less salt as the market available tamarind paste already contains salt.


Serve with ghee for better flavor.


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