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4 Jan 2014

Avarekalu rotti / Vaal beans roti

Servings : 2 (Makes 6 roti's)


¼ cup

To taste

¾ cup + ¼ cup + ½ cup
For cooking flour + for cooking beans + cooking roti’s
Jolada hittu / Jowar flour (seived)
1 cup + ¼ cup
For cooking + for dusting
1 tbsp

1 tsp

1 medium
Sliced thinly for serving
As required
For serving


Heat oil in a kadai. Add jeera, when they start popping, add the beans and fry for a minute. Add a pinch of salt, 1/4 cup water and cook till the beans are soft. 

Add 3/4 cup of water and salt to taste and bring it to a boil.

Reduce the flame and add 1 cup flour little by little and mix well. If it is too watery add a bit more flour and mix.

Switch off the flame and remove the kadai and set it aside for 5 minutes. Knead the flour well and make six equal sized balls as shown.

Roll the balls using a rolling pin and trim the sides as shown. Flip and smoothen the roti by rolling it again once.

Heat a tawa and sprinkle some water. Place the roti on the tawa and grease the topside of roti with water using a wet cloth by tapping on it lightly as shown.

Flip the roti and cook on both sides well.

Repeat the same with remaining flour. Serve hot with badanekai yennegai/stuffed brinjal curry, cucumber, butter.


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