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7 Jan 2014

Sweet potato roti / genasina roti

Servings: 2


Sweet potatoes
3 small
Pressure cooked for 2-3 whistles
2-3 tbsp
Or as per your taste
A pinch

Wheat flour
1 cup
More if required + for dusting
For cooking


Transfer the cooked potatoes into cold water and peel them. Mash the potatoes, check the sweetness and add jaggery if required and to the required sweetness, salt and mix. Add the wheat flour and knead well to the roti dough consistency. Set it aside covered for 5-10 minutes.



Knead the dough again and make six equal sized balls. Roll the dough using a rolling pin.


Heat a tawa and cook the roti. Flip and apply ghee. Flip again and apply ghee on the other side. Cook on both sides well.


Cook the remaining roti's in the same manner. Serve hot with pickle, ghee, curd....


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