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10 Jan 2014

Hitakida avarekalu gojju / Vaal beans curry

Servings: 3


1 cup

Raw banana
1 medium

To taste

Coriander seeds
1 tbsp

Dried red chilies
2 medium
1 tbsp + 1 tbsp
For grinding + For tempering
Poppy seeds
1 tbsp

Channa dal
1 tbsp

Curry leaves
1 sprig

As required

1 tbsp

½ cup
Tamarind paste
2 tbsp
See Note
Coriander leaves
2-3 tbsp

2-3 tbsp

Mustard seeds
1 tbsp

A pinch


Remove the skin of banana and cut into half and soak in water so that the sticky part is gone. Keep it aside.

Dry roast coriander seeds and dried red chilies together. Set it aside in a plate to cool. Dry roast jeera, poppy seeds and channa dal separately and set it aside to cool.



Grind the roasted spices along with coconut finely with some water and keep it aside. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan, add mustard seeds. When they start popping, add jeera, and curry leaves. Add the split vaal beans, salt and a pinch of turmeric, water and cook covered for 5 mins or until soft.

Cut the soaked raw banana into circles and add it to the cooked beans. Add the tamarind paste. Mix well, add bit more water if required and cook covered till the banana is soft. 

Once cooked add the ground masala. Adjust the salt, tamarind and water. Add jaggery and mix well. Bring it to a boil and check if the raw smell is gone. If not let it cook for one or two minute more. Garnish with coriander leaves. 

Serve hot with rice.


1. If you do not have already made tamarind paste, soak a lemon size tamarind in warm water for 5-10 mins and strain.

2. If you are using market available tamarind paste, add a bit less salt as the market available tamarind paste already contains salt.


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